When editor Immanuela Gruenberg set out to compile these collections, she searched for the following: beautiful, interesting compositions that students will love playing, teachers love teaching, and audiences will appreciate while showcasing as many female composers as possible.
Book 1 features 40 upper elementary to early intermediate level pieces and Book 2 features 30 intermediate to upper intermediate level pieces from a total of 21 women composers. Books include short bios about each composer as well as a preface by the editor.
AMY BEACH: from Children's Carnival: Promenade in C Major • Pantalon • Pierrot and Pierrette • Secrets • Harlquin • from Children's Album: Minuet in F Major • Gavotte in D minor • Waltz in C Major
MÉLANIE BONIS: from Children's Scenes: Aubade in D Major • Hide and Seek • Slow Waltz in C Major • Frère Jacques
CÉCILE CHAMINADE: Prelude in C Major from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 1 • Intermezzo in G Major from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 2 • Canzonetta in C Major from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 3 • Rondeau in F Major from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 4 • Gavotte in A minor from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 5 • Gigue in C Major from Chilren's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 6 • Romance in F Major from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 7 • Barcarolle in A Major from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 8 • Orientale in E minor from Children's Album (Volume), Op. 123, No. 9 • Air de Ballet from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 11 • Marche Russe in D minor from Children's Album (Volume 1), Op. 123, No. 12 • Idylle in C Major from Children's Album (Volume 2), Op. 126, No. 1 • Aubade in E Major from Children's Album (Volume 2), Op. 126, No. 2
FREDRIKKE EGEBERG: Adagio cantbile from Six Songs Without Words for Piano • Religioso from Six Songs Without Words for Piano
LOUISE FARRENC: Etude in C Major from 25 Easy Etudes, Op. 50, No. 1 • Etude in A minor from 25 Easy Etudes, Op. 50, No. 2 • Etude in G Major from 25 Easy Etudes, Op. 50, No. 3 • Etude in C Major from 25 Easy Etudes, Op. 50, No. 12 • Etude in C Major from 25 Easy Etudes, Op. 50, No. 14 • Etude in C Major from 25 Easy Etudes, Op. 50, No. 16 • Etude in F-sharp Major from 25 Intermediate Etudes, Op. 42, No. 19
EMMA HARTMANN: Piano Piece in C Major from Piano Pieces, Op. Posthumous, No. 2 • Viennese Waltz in G Major from Piano Pieces, Op. Poshumous, No. 5
MARIE JAËLL: After the Waltz from The Good Days
CLARA SCHUMANN: Preude No. 1 in C Major from Simple Preludes for Students • Prelude No. 2 in A-flat Major from Simple Preludes for Students
ANNA STUBENBERG: Austrian Dance in A-flat Major from The People of Kapfenberg